Final Conference, 20th September Ancona

We are happy to announce the final conference of the MyFuture project. The event will gather together researchers, policy-makers, teachers and practitioners from all over Europe to discuss the future of career guidance and present the innovative work and tools created by the MyFuture Consortium.
The conference will take place in Ancona on the 20th of September at the stunning Mole Vanvitelliana from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The conference will be a unique occasion to start thinking together about the future of career guidance in Italy and in Europe.
During the first part of the conference, we will present the tools developed within the project and we will be talking about the potential of using videos in career guidance, about new digital tools to map guidance services in a territory, about new portals and Applications to help young people build their future and about tools for quality assurance in career guidance.
During the second session, we will have a more theoretical overview and world experts in the field will present the results of the research on the future of career guidance done during the project, new European initiatives to promote and improve career guidance and a framework to enhance quality in career guidance in secondary schools.
The last session will be an open discussion among representatives of different regions in Italy. They will share insights on their regional systems and will discuss new directions for building high quality career guidance systems in Italy.
Registration is free of charge but registration is required using the online registration form available at this link: