
The project consortium involves 8 partners from 5 European countries (Denmark, Italy, Malta, Romania and United Kingdom).

Università di Camerino (IT)

Founded in 1382, University of Camerino has a twenty-year experience in international cooperation, local development and vocational training in human resource projects such as, LEONARDO DA VINCI, TEMPUS, FULL BRIGHT, INTERRG ERASMUS.

Regione Marche (IT)

Marche Region is a Regional Public Body created in the 1974. Its population is 1,5 million and its area 10.000 kmq. The regional economy is mostly based on SMEs. According to the EU, Marche Region is one of the top 25 industrialised regions in Europe.

Centro Studi Pluriversum (IT)

Centro Studi Pluriversum is an Italian private company, engaged in the field of career education and career counselling, which has planned, provided services and managed projects within the PES, guidance and education system in Italy and within European projects for more than 15 years.

University of Derby (UK)

The University of Derby  is a modern and innovative education provider. The International Centre for Guidance Studies is a centre of excellence which conducts research in a number of fields, including adult and youth guidance, workforce development and policy.

Hertfordshire (UK)

Hertfordshire County Council is the local government body for Hertfordshire. Youth Connexions Hertfordshire (YCH) is a department of the County Council. It delivers services supporting young people to move successfully into adult working life. It has held the Matrix Standard for careers guidance since 2012.

University of Malta (MT)

The Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research is  an autonomous Research Centre at the University. EMCER sets out to further one of the University’s main goals: becoming a centre of excellence in the inter-disciplinary study of Mediterranean and European issues.


Centrul de Resurse şi Asistenţă Educaţională al Municipiului Bucureşti  –  Municipal Centre of Resources and Educational Assistance Bucharest (CMBRAE) is an educational institution providing counselling to all schools of the city and the metropolitan area. The mission of CMBRAE is the development of guidance skills and attitudes of students, parents and teachers.

UU Lillebælt (DK)

UU-Lillebælt is an independent municipal guidance center in Fredericia and Middelfart, offering career guidance to primary schools and to youngsters who are not in education to support them in their life choices.